How ReliantHealth guarantees an appointment with a provider within 72 hours of discharge
1. Patient Contact Within 48 Hours
- After hospital discharge, the the ReliantHealth primary care team intiates contact within 48 hours.
- This early communication reconnects the patient with us, establishes rapport, and identifies any immediate needs.
- the ReliantHealth primary care team can see new patients, patients without a PCP, or patients who have a PCP but just need to see a doctor for refills while they wait for their regular PCP appointment.
2. Scheduling an Office Visit
- Within 2-7 days after discharge, we schedule an office visit with you.
- During this visit, our primary care team reviews the care plan, assesses progress, and addresses concerns.
3. Care Plan Discussion
- Our doctor engages in a detailed discussion with the patient and caregivers.
- Topics covered include medication management, follow-up tests, lifestyle adjustments, and social support.
4. Reducing Readmissions
- TCM aims to prevent hospital readmissions by ensuring timely follow-up.
- Effective communication among healthcare providers and adherence to protocols play a crucial role.