Personal Injury Evaluations

The ReliantHealth process to getting a specialist referral:

Your Primary Care Visit
Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment by our primary care providers. They will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the appropriate course of action.
Specialist Approval
Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment by our primary care providers. They will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the appropriate course of action.
Consultation with Specialist
Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment by our primary care providers. They will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the appropriate course of action.
Follow-up and Coordination
Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment by our primary care providers. They will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the appropriate course of action.
personal injury evaluations
How ReliantHealth Primary Care Doctor Can Help with Personal Injury Evaluations?

A Guide for Claimants

If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. However, to prove your claim, you will need to provide evidence of your injuries and how they affect your life. This is where a physician can help you.

We are medical professionals who can examine your injuries, diagnose your condition, prescribe treatment, and provide documentation of your medical history and prognosis. We can also perform tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans, to show the extent of your injuries and how they may impact your future health and functionality. ReliantHealth can also refer you to specialists, such as orthopedists, neurologists, or psychologists, who can provide further evaluation and treatment for your specific injuries.

Our team can also write a detailed reports that summarizes your medical history, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, and explains how your injuries are related to the accident. This report can be used as evidence to support your claim and show the severity and duration of your injuries. A ReliantHealth physician can also testify as an expert witness in court or in a deposition, if needed, to explain your medical condition and how it affects your ability to work, perform daily activities, and enjoy life. A ReliantHealth physician can also answer questions from the insurance company or the defense attorney, and counter any arguments that may challenge your claim.

Need help?
Contact Us Here for more information or to schedule an appointment for your evaluation.

A Guide for Attorneys or Law Offices

We have board certified primary care physicians, who also have experience in hospital and rehabilitation facilities. We are well versed in personal injury and other claims, that will require a detailed examination, paperwork, and also interaction with the legal system to ensure patients get the care they deserve and need. We can also assist with chart review, and discussion of personal injury case on a customized basis if your legal team requires a medical opinion on your cases.

Contact Us Here for more information Or to talk to our administrative team.