The Challenges

Running a medical practice comes with its share of challenges and goals. You’re aiming to deliver top-notch, efficient, and individualized patient care while balancing financial, operational, clinical, and compliance aspects. Standing out from competitors, drawing and keeping patients and staff, and boosting your reputation are also on your agenda. While the responsibilities can be daunting, Reliant Physicians stands ready to assist. Our team of specialists brings over two decades of healthcare consultancy expertise aimed at refining your practice’s functions, elevating patient satisfaction, and bolstering overall performance. Catering to various types of practices, we offer customized services to address your unique needs and objectives. In this blog post, we will outline our approach, how it benefits you, and why we’re a premier choice for medical practice consultancy—illustrating how we can advance your medical group towards its targets.

What We Do

Reliant Physicians has developed consulting services that help medical groups improve their financial, operational, clinical, and compliance performance. We can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, implement best practices, and achieve optimal results. We can work with any type of medical group, such as multi-specialty practices, hospitalist practices, or primary care practices, and customize our solutions to fit your needs and goals. We can help you with any of the following areas:

  • Financial Management: We can help you improve your financial performance by analyzing your revenue cycle, optimizing your billing and coding, enhancing your reimbursement, and reducing your expenses. We can help you increase your revenue by ensuring that you capture all the services you provide, use the correct codes and modifiers, submit accurate and timely claims, and follow up on denials and appeals. We can also help you reduce your costs by identifying and eliminating waste, inefficiencies, and errors, negotiating better contracts with payers and vendors, and implementing budgeting and forecasting tools.
  • Staffing and Scheduling: We can help you optimize your staffing and scheduling by assessing your workforce needs, developing your recruitment and retention strategies, and implementing your scheduling system. Our team advises you on how to determine the optimal mix and number of staff for your medical group, based on your volume, specialty, and scope of services. We can also help you attract and retain qualified and motivated staff, by offering competitive compensation and benefits, providing training and development opportunities, and creating a positive and supportive work environment. We can also assist you implement a scheduling system that maximizes your productivity, efficiency, and patient satisfaction, by balancing supply and demand, reducing no-shows and cancellations, and minimizing wait times and overbooking.
  • Workflow and Technology: We can help you streamline your workflow and technology by evaluating your processes, identifying your bottlenecks, and implementing your software and hardware solutions. We can help you improve your workflow by mapping out your current and desired state, eliminating unnecessary steps, standardizing procedures, and automating tasks. We can also help you leverage technology to enhance your operations, by selecting and installing the appropriate software and hardware for your medical group, such as electronic health records, practice management systems, telehealth platforms, and mobile devices. We can also help you train and support your staff on how to use the technology effectively and efficiently.
  • Quality Improvement and Compliance: Our team can help you enhance your quality improvement and compliance by establishing your performance measures, monitoring your outcomes, and ensuring your adherence to regulations and standards. We can help you improve your quality of care by implementing evidence-based protocols, guidelines, and best practices, conducting audits and reviews, and collecting and analyzing data. We can also help you improve your patient satisfaction by soliciting and responding to feedback, addressing complaints and concerns, and engaging and educating your patients. We can also help you comply with the relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, OSHA, CMS, and accreditation bodies, by reviewing and updating your policies and procedures, conducting risk assessments and audits, and providing training and education.

How We Do It

Reliant has worked on the front lines of medicine with over a dozen years of experience through extensive changes in the medical landscape, to encompass both insurance and facility care. These hard won lessons have been translated into an extremely efficient company with benefits from running an integrated program. Our company is vertically service-integrated, and we can also provide you with the same solutions in your market and your specialty.

how we do it

Our approach consists of four phases: assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Here is how we do it:

  • Assessment: We start by conducting a comprehensive and objective assessment of your medical group’s current situation, performance, and potential. We use various tools and methods, such as interviews, surveys, observations, data analysis, and benchmarking, to gather and analyze information about your medical group’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We also listen to your needs, goals, and expectations, and understand your vision and mission.
  • Planning: We then develop a customized and realistic plan that outlines the specific actions, strategies, and solutions that will help you achieve your desired outcomes. We prioritize the most critical and impactful areas for improvement, and set clear and measurable objectives, timelines, and budgets. We also identify the resources, roles, and responsibilities that are required for the successful execution of the plan.
  • Implementation: We then help you execute the plan by providing you with the necessary guidance, support, and expertise. We work with you and your staff as partners, not as outsiders, and we adapt to your culture, values, and preferences. We help you implement the best practices, solutions, and tools that we have recommended, and we monitor and adjust the plan as needed, based on the feedback and results.
  • Evaluation: We then evaluate the results and outcomes of the plan by measuring and comparing the performance indicators, data, and feedback before and after the implementation. We assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the plan, and we identify the achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. We also provide you with a report that summarizes the findings, recommendations, and next steps.

Why We Are the Best Choice

The Reliant team of experts have the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you improve your medical group’s performance. We have worked with medical groups of different types, sizes, and specialties, and we have helped them achieve remarkable results and outcomes. We have a proven track record of success and satisfaction, and we have earned the trust and respect of our clients and partners.

Much of our clients have enrolled with us by word of mouth.  Our services have expanded to offer consulting services to more clients.

why we are the best choice

Here are some of the reasons why we are the best choice for your medical practice consulting needs:

  • We are experts: Reliant’s team of experts have the experience and certifications to provide you with the best medical practice consulting services in the industry. We have experts in financial management, staffing and scheduling, workflow and technology, quality improvement and compliance, and other areas that are essential for your medical group’s performance.
  • We are experienced: We have been serving the health care industry for over 20 years, and we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience that we can apply to your medical group. We have seen and solved many of the challenges and problems that you face, and we have learned and developed many of the best practices and solutions that you need.
  • We are customized: We offer customized and personalized solutions that fit your needs and goals. We listen to you and understand your vision and mission, and we develop a plan that reflects your culture, values, and preferences.
  • We are committed: We are passionate about what we do, and we care about your success and satisfaction. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, efficient, and effective services, and we strive to exceed your expectations. We are also honest, transparent, and ethical, and we uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.